10 Old-School Movie Action Heroes Who Need Rebooting

2. Paul Kersey (Death Wish)

Why He Needs Rebooting: Modern Hollywood hasn't found much of a place for the politically incorrect, heavily right-wing revenge thriller these days, but there's something appealing at a base level about a guy who goes around psychotically murdering violent gangsters in as many painful ways as possible. If the Saw films are anything to go by, there surely would still be an audience for this sort of torture porn, and plenty of actors who could do the part justice. Who Would Play Him: Gerard Butler played a similar character in 2009's Law Abiding Citizen, delivering a deliciously sadistic performance as a vengeful vigilante, so he'd be a fine pick. Given that Joe Carnahan has been circling a remake of the original film, don't be surprised if Liam Neeson ends up taking the part: he's the perfect age and totally believable as a family man who's been wronged, and has experience in similar roles with the Taken franchise.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.