10 Old-School Movie Action Heroes Who Need Rebooting

4. El Mariachi (The Mexico Trilogy)

Why He Needs Rebooting: El Mariachi is the guitar-playing, gun-totting protagonist of Robert Rodriguez's Mexico trilogy, played by Carlos Gallardo in the low-budget El Mariachi, before Antonio Banderas took over the reins for Desperado and Once Upon a Time in Mexico. Though Banderas still has a likeable screen presence, it's fair to say that at 53 years old, with 11 years since his last outing as the character, it's probably best to hand the part to a younger actor. Thankfully, the plotting in these movies is loose enough that it could essentially be a "soft" reboot, without needing to create a new origin story. Who Would Play Him: Demian Bichir might be a good choice, but he's only 3 years younger than Banderas (though looks considerably younger than that). I'm thinking Diego Luna would be a pretty awesome choice: he doesn't have the baby-face of his buddy Gael Garcia Bernal, and has experience working in Hollywood action films (Contraband, Elysium).

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.