10 Star Wars Anthology Movies That Need To Happen

3. Leia: A Star Wars Story

Star Wars Maul

To put it bluntly: if Han Solo gets his own spin-off, why not Leia?

The original trilogy is an ensemble piece, but the Skywalker family, namely Luke, remains rooted at its core. Just as it is revealed that Leia is Luke’s sister in Return of the Jedi, it seems like we’re about to see some real heroics and substantial character development for her. But then the film ends, with Leia seeming like more of a background player than a main character.

There’s clearly so much more to her story, though. Leia’s background is so different to that of Luke and Han’s, whose origins we already know or are about to find out. She’s royalty, but it’s clear that she’s somewhat uneasy with such a status, preferring to go by ‘General’ instead of ‘Princess’.

In the wake of Carrie Fisher’s death, it seems like heresy to recast a ‘present day’ Leia, but a prequel movie about the General’s early life would be a fitting tribute. Carrie’s daughter Bille Lourd is becoming a big star in her own right, and could perhaps do justice to her mother’s original performance, were she to reprise the role.

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Liam is a writer and cranberry juice drinker from Lincolnshire. When he's not wearing his eyes away in front of a computer, he plays the melodica for a semi wrestling-themed folk-punk band called School Trips.