10 Star Wars Anthology Movies That Need To Happen

2. The Clone Wars

Star Wars Maul

Rogue One was a war movie, through and through. By stripping out the franchise’s focus on the Force and the Skywalker family, Gareth Edwards’ movie had more in common with the opening scene from Firefly than it did more traditional Star Wars stories. It’s a potent formula, though, and something that could easily be brought to other time periods within George Lucas’s fiction.

Whatever else may be wrong with the Prequel Trilogy, it was packed with some genuinely fierce action set-pieces, and it had the potential to explore some interesting themes.

For starters, nobody ever seems to address the fact that both the Republic and the Separatists are using specially built, pre-programmed armies, be they clones or droids. You’d think this would make for an interesting commentary on free will and the nature of drone use in warfare, but alas, it was not meant to be.

But that doesn’t mean a future Clone Wars movie couldn’t rectify such omissions. A Zero Dark Thirty-esque movie about a squad of Spec Ops Clone troopers could make for an entertaining movie, given the right creative team, and would be a chance to tell some of the Clone Wars TV series' best stories for an audience that hasn't embraced them up to this point.

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Liam is a writer and cranberry juice drinker from Lincolnshire. When he's not wearing his eyes away in front of a computer, he plays the melodica for a semi wrestling-themed folk-punk band called School Trips.