10 Tear-Jerking Moments In Incredibly Macho Movies

2. Brooks Was Here - The Shawshank Redemption

Brooks Was Here 2

The Movie:

A tale of friendship and hope set against the backdrop of brutal prison regime as Andy Dufresne (Tim Robbins) is sentenced to life in prison for a crime he didn't commit in Frank Darabont's outstanding drama. Tear Jerker Moment: All good no-necks love a good prison film (most have spent time at her majesty's pleasure or imagine they could deal with it). So while this is no action film, it makes the list anyway. It's hard to remember now just what a surprise this film was back in 1994, but anyone lucky enough to catch this first time around would have been touched by the story. But the moment that hit home the hardest? The tale of lifer Brooks Hatlin. Going off on a tangent, we follow Brooks (James Whitmore) as he struggles to come to terms with life on the outside after 50 years behind bars. Unable to adjust, Brooks takes his own life and catches every viewer off-guard. Beware the hard man watching this for the first time: they may cry like a baby, and then strike out in confusion.

Writer from Cardiff. Fan of all rebels, rogues and rascals.