12 Terrible Movie Characters Redeemed By Awesome Deaths

10. Dr. Susan McAlester - Deep Blue Sea

Deep Blue Sea Saffron Burrows
Warner Bros.

Dr. Susan McAlester (Saffron Burrows) is the female lead of this delightfully dumb shark movie, and though she originally survived the film in tact, test screenings revealed that audiences hated her for effectively causing the rampage of genetically-engineered sharks in the first place.

It didn't help that she had a stereotypical power-b**** persona - because how dare a woman be smart, attractive and likeable, right? - only further illustrating to Warner Bros. that her fate had been horrifically misjudged, and as a test screening card suggested, they had to "kill the b****".

Cause Of Death: Eaten by a super-shark. In order to stop the final shark from escaping into the open sea, Susan cuts herself and jumps into the water, sufficiently distracting the abomination but also being eaten for her sins.

Considering how standoffish Burrows plays the character, it was an incredibly satisfying and fitting end for a character who never really seemed sorry enough for her part in making the disaster happen.

And her sacrifice allowed LL Cool J and Thomas Jane to live, so in death she was indeed redeemed.

Warner Bros.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.