15 Cheesy Movie Quotes (That Were Awesome At The Time)

11. Arnie's Unusual Breakfast - Commando

Arnold Schwarzenegger's 1985 masterpiece saw him in the shoes of John Matrix: a green beret who figures out how to activate the cheat code to give himself unlimited ammo, and cause everything he touches to explode. The movie's practically a certifiable quote rolodex for thirteen year old boys. Arnie himself probably thinks of it as a documentary about his career. The Quote: "I eat Green Berets for breakfast. And right now, I'm very hungry!" Commando was built upon a single principle: murdering another sentient being is always hilarious if ironic witticisms are involved. Which is true: you only need to compare The Man with the Golden Gun to Casino Royale to see that. There are so many brilliant one liners here that to list them all would simply take too long. But this quintessential Arnie line is as good as any: it's cheesier than an Edam scented roll-on deodorant, and couldn't possibly exist outside of the eighties - but I'll be damned if it isn't awesome.

10. Hopping Mad - Speed

Since the release of Die Hard in 1988, studios have been desperate to cash in on the film's simple but effective formula. Referred to as 'Die Hard on an X' films they often took place in increasingly absurd settings. The 1994 film Speed is often referred to as 'Die Hard on a Bus,' though in truth it's more like 'Die Hard 3 on a bus,' only lacking Samuel L. Jackson's misplaced anger at 'the man'. The Quote: "Pop quiz, hotshot. There's a bomb on a bus. Once the bus goes 50 miles an hour, the bomb is armed. If it drops below 50, it blows up. What do you do? What do you do?" Ah, Dennis Hopper: he was always reliable for a trip down insanity lane. It's not too much of a stretch to imagine them repeatedly rebuilding the sets during filming due to Hopper continually chewing right through them. In Speed he plays Howard Payne a completely obnoxious, conceited and barely serious megalomaniac. Just look at the cited quote, he's clearly a man who enjoys the visceral nature of the cat and mouse chase far more than following through. Think of him as a campier version of The Riddler.

Ashley Bailey writes critical reviews in the manner of an angry, judgmental 70 year old writing into TV Guide. He is also the former editor a small metal and rock webzine. In his spare time, he is a self confessed Steam addict: so much so, in fact, he is literally willing to write for food, having spent his money on their lovely, lovely sales.