15 Cheesy Movie Quotes (That Were Awesome At The Time)

9. Ash Williams And His Double Barrelled Justice Machine - Army of Darkness

Beloved by the internet collective, protagonist Ash Williams is responsible for more quotable lines than a German swearword dictionary. This third Evil Dead film saw Ash travel back in time to the middle ages, and employ the: 'guy with the only reliable firearm gets to do whatever the hell he wants' rule - also known as The British Empire Principle. The Quote: "Good. Bad. I'm the guy with the gun." The sheer number of quips in AOD is staggering. Pretty much every line is deliberately cheesy and overblown, and picking just one for the purposes of this list was harder than playing 'Life of an Industrial Era Worker' on realistic difficulty. The chosen quote won out because it perfectly personified the movie. It's rare to find a movie so unabashedly unashamed of itself, even if the purposeful campy style can be a little jarring for those seeing it for the first time without the benefit of nostalgia - rather like the career of Andy Dick.

8. Vincent Klyn Likes Misery - Cyborg

Jean Claude Van Damme is sent on a mission to protect a cyborg from the leader of a raiding gang, a task which he utterly fails at for the majority of the runtime. There's a little religious symbolism along the way, and by a 'little' I mean of course that Van Damme gets nailed to a frigging crucifix only to arise from the 'dead' some time later. It's all about as subtle as a hadouken to the face. The Quote: "Then we heard the rumours: that the last scientists were working on a cure that would end the plague and restore the world. Restore it? Why? I like the death! I like the misery! I like this world!" Fender Tremolo (Klyn) is essentially in the same league as the jerk-ass dean character from every 80's teen movie; villainous simply for the sake of being villainous. The opening narration is an excellent example of this: he boisterously proclaims his love for the post-apocalyptic world in which Cyborg takes place. But it's so incredibly over-the-top and pantomime-esque, and it quickly descends into parody territory. He's basically like a teenage girl screaming: "look at me guys, I like death and stuff. I'm special!" Pfft.

Ashley Bailey writes critical reviews in the manner of an angry, judgmental 70 year old writing into TV Guide. He is also the former editor a small metal and rock webzine. In his spare time, he is a self confessed Steam addict: so much so, in fact, he is literally willing to write for food, having spent his money on their lovely, lovely sales.