15 Devastating Pixar Movie Moments That Made You Cry

7. “What Am I Supposed To Do Now, Ellie?” - Up

Up Carl Ellie Dies
Disney Pixar

There have been few montages in cinematic history that stand up to Up's devastating almost-opening sequence in terms of pure emotional impact (the end of La La Land comes pretty close, admittedly). It almost works as a film in its own respect as the story-telling experience is immersive, engaging and wholly successful at inspiring an emotional response.

It actually manages to break your heart twice in just a few short minutes (more of which soon), and the second, knock-out blow comes at its end, kicking the film off properly. After watching Carl and Ellie blossom together as a couple, it's torn away and Carl is left without his other half - a pain he expresses devastatingly after her funeral with the simple line "what am I supposed to do now, Ellie?"

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