15 Devastating Pixar Movie Moments That Made You Cry

8. The Truth About Hector - Coco

Coco Hector

It's very clear from early on in Coco that the story's fascination with memory is going to lead to a revelation about the way Ernesto de la Cruz is memorialised and cherished. It's set up for a twist from the get-go, but that doesn't take anything away from the impact when his secret is uncovered.

And just as Dory's monologue in Finding Nemo fundamentally changes how the audience perceives her, the revelation that Hector is the real genius behind Ernesto's music and that he murdered him to stop him from leaving transforms Hector. He goes from being a bumbling fool with a heart trying to get across to the living world to a tragic figure desperately trying to hold on to his slim chance of being remembered.

The idea that he was murdered as he tried to get back to the family who felt betrayed by his departure and were about to willfully forget him is a special kind of depressing.

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