15 Devastating Pixar Movie Moments That Made You Cry

6. EVE Thinks Wall-E Is Dead - Wall-E

Wall E Dies
Disney Pixar

As already mentioned, Wall-E ends with an emotional one-two kicked off by the finale when Wall-E and EVE defy AUTO to get the plant into the ship's Holo-Detector chamber to send it back to Earth. After saving the day, though, Wall-E is crushed in the chamber by AUTO and is seemingly killed to add the ultimate bittersweet note to his bravery.

The fact that he seems to be dead is sad enough, but it's EVE's reaction - and the apparent confirmation that she loved him back - that really takes the wind out of you. We watch her mourn the silly little robot who'd courted her affections throughout the rest of the film and it's stunning how authentic that emotion feels, given that we're watching a faceless robot. That's the true power of Pixar.

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