15 Devastating Pixar Movie Moments That Made You Cry

11. Marlin's Family Is Killed - Finding Nemo

Coral Finding Nemo

Up until 2003 and Pixar's fifth film, the studio had mostly shied away from the issue of death. Sure, the idea of mortality hangs over both Toy Story and its sequel and there's a threat of it in A Bug's Life, but we didn't actually see any characters die.

That changed dramatically right at the start of Finding Nemo when the wedded bliss of clownfish Marlin and Coral was viciously interrupted by a barracuda, which attacks, knocking Marlin unconscious as Coral tries to protect their eggs.

Devastatingly, when he wakes up he finds that Coral has been killed and all but one of his eggs have been eaten. And while we don't see it happen, the manner of Marlin's discovery - and his helplessness - that really makes it sting.

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