15 Devastating Pixar Movie Moments That Made You Cry

10. “I Look At You And I’m Home” - Finding Nemo

Finding Nemo Dory

At one point in Finding Nemo, Marlin believes his son is dead and gives up hope, turning away to go home in despair. This threatens to destroy Dory, who sees her only friend slipping through her fins and panics, offering a heart-breaking monologue that immediately lays out the tragedy of her condition.

This was the moment that Finding Dory became an inevitability: the emotion that she showed and the huge implications of how lonely she is opened that possibility up. Here she changed completely, going from being the light-hearted comic relief to a fully rounded character with a tragic backstory.

And that line - "I look at you and I'm home" - is a profoundly sad statement of her loneliness.

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