Every Batman Movie Villain - Ranked From Worst To Best

7. Ra's Al Ghul (Batman Begins, The Dark Knight Rises)

The villainous potential of Liam Neeson€™s Ra€™s al Ghul was overshadowed somewhat by the fact that he spent much of the film as a mentor to Bruce Wayne, hiding his true identity. However, this duplicitous deception adds an extra layer to the League of Shadows boss when he eventually decides to reveal himself. When Ra€™s returns to raise Gotham to ashes, it results in one of the defining moments of Nolan€™s Batman trilogy. The scene at Wayne Manor, where Ra€™s leaves Bruce for dead, is one of the biggest showings of cold-hearted evilness we€™ve ever seen in a Batman movie. The legacy of Ra€™s cast a shadow over The Dark Knight Trilogy, with Ra€™s returning from beyond the grave in the third film to torment a crippled Bruce as his followers took control of Gotham and sought to continue the League€™s work. However, it€™s Batman Begins that Neeson will be remembered for, and his nefarious portrayal of a mentor turned murderer. It was a memorable performance, boosted by the unexpected twist that Neeson€™s character wasn€™t all that he originally seemed.

Film & TV journo. Quite tall.