Every Batman Movie Villain - Ranked From Worst To Best

6. Scarecrow (Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, The Dark Knight Rises)

The only villain to appear in three consecutive Batman movies, Cillian Murphy€™s Scarecrow remains an impressive achievement. Of course, Batman Begins was his really time to shine. He first appeared as Dr. Crane, the Arkham Asylum overseer that absolutely everyone could spot was a villain in-the-making. Hats off, then, to Murphy for stilling making the transition to full-blown supervillainy an engaging watch, despite being utterly predictable. He was aided by some stellar special effects, too (those hallucination scenes are genuinely scary, aren€™t they?) Murphy€™s creepy performance was a highlight of the film, not least when he set Batman on fire and told him to "lighten up." It also takes a brave man to intoxicate Carmine Falcone, it€™s probably worth mentioning. Of course, we also got to see Crane return in The Dark Knight and The Dark Knight Rises. As a villain, few have had this recurring sense of threat to them. He might not be the most memorable menace of the Nolan-verse, but Scarecrow is still worthy of your attention.

Film & TV journo. Quite tall.