How Marvel Should Bring The X-Men Into The MCU

10. Avengers 4 Establishes The Marvel Multiverse

Doctor Strange Benedict Cumberbatch
Marvel Studios

Though the MCU has started to introduce increasingly reality-bending concepts recently with Ant-Man's Quantum Realm and Doctor Strange throwing dimension-hopping and the Eye of Agamotto into the mix, it's still far away from making alternate universes a tangible, pivotal aspect of this franchise.

However, considering that having the X-Men materialise in the MCU out of nowhere would be incredibly jarring, it'd make a lot of sense to have them emerge from another universe as a result of some dimension-melding event.

Given the likelihood that Thanos will cause some catastrophic damage on Earth by the end of Avengers 4 and Doctor Strange may have to use the Eye of Agamotto to set things right, this could easily result in a portal being created between universes, allowing the X-Men to join this world.

Sure, the finer logical details would need to be figured out and it's unlikely much concrete would actually happen in Avengers 4 itself considering it's already wrapped shooting, but it wouldn't be difficult to shoot an extra post-credits tag before release which more blatantly hints at the existence of the X-Men in another universe.

As the MCU Earth is already canonically one of many - with the designation "Earth-199999" - and the next two Avengers films are likely to get very, very weird, introducing a multiverse really just feels like the next big, ambitious step in expanding the franchise's scope.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.