Jigsaw: Every Trap Ranked From Worst To Best

4. Laser Trap

saw 8 jigsaw

Jigsaw's climactic trap sees Logan and Detective Halloran wake up in a basement with laser collars fitted to their necks.

Each person can press a button to begin the other's game, and Halloran presses Logan's first, causing the laser cutters to begin turning inward towards his head, forcing Logan to confess his "sin", that he was the doctor who mixed up John Kramer's x-rays, resulting in his cancer being initially misdiagnosed.

It's not enough, though, and the lasers appear to kill Logan, who collapses to the floor in a bloody heap. Now the game turns to Halloran, who admits the full extent of his corruption, that he allowed criminals to walk free and let innocent people die.

At that point, Logan stands up, revealing the movie's big twist, that the previous traps all took place a decade earlier, and he himself is Jigsaw's final apprentice.

Halloran can do nothing but watch as the lasers slice his own head six ways to Sunday, making it fold outward in several segments. Yuck.

The idea behind the trap is again pretty simplistic and not particularly clever, but at least we got one of the series' better uses of CGI out of it.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.