Kiss Me Deadly: 10 Films That Feature Necrophilia

8. Lucker (1986)

lucker Lucker is a maniac who killed and then had sex with the corpses of eight women. He has failed in attempting suicide by cutting his throat and is under guard in a private institution. Whenever he wakes up, he kills an orderly and steals his clothes. He flees the hospital and learns that Cathy - one of his prior victims is still alive. This drives Lucker into a murderous rage. He disembowels a female jogger in a parking lot. Lucker finds out where Cathy lives and gains entry to the building by soliciting a hooker who lives there. Once he is up in the appartment he automatically kills the hooker. He spies on Cathy from the apartment and has disgusting necro nookie with the prostitute he killed a month after her death. Lucker kills Cathy's boyfriend and two other women in his quest to get at Cathy. He eventually gets the chance to kill Cathy but he fails. However, the film intimates at the end that he is still alive. Will we be treated to Lucker 2?! That's the burning question at the end of the film. Flying the necro flag high for the Belgians, Lucker is a disgusting, reprehensible little movie that manages to be both boring and grotesque at the same time. The sex scenes are revolting but the film follows all of the conventions for a slasher movie. The gore effects are good for such a low budget affair but a lot of the film is pure tedium. It really only hinges on pure exploitation - necrophiliac exploitation. If it didn't contain the necrophiliac sequences, it wouldn't work as a movie as it would be so lame and pointless. The film, instead, parades necrophilia in front of the viewer to purposefully gross them out and make the film stick in their mind. This is repellant but it is memorable, making Lucker a favourite among fans of the extreme edge of cinema.
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My first film watched was Carrie aged 2 on my dad's knee. Educated at The University of St Andrews and Trinity College Dublin. Fan of Arthouse, Exploitation, Horror, Euro Trash, Giallo, New French Extremism. Weaned at the bosom of a Russ Meyer starlet. The bleaker, artier or sleazier the better!