Thanos: 12 Awesome Abilities To Look Out For In The MCU

5. Combat Skills

Marvel ComicsMarvel ComicsThanos isn't just about brute force and esoteric powers when it comes to his physical prowess - he's actually a very skilled hand-to-hand fighter. He was trained in the art of war on his home planet of Titan and is responsible for training the likes of Gamora - his adopted daughter and later his enemy as a member of the Guardians of the Galaxy - whom he trained in a number of martial arts from around the galaxy, which ended with her becoming one of the best martial artists in all of Marvel. If Thanos hits you, it's not just all about the force of the strike - it's also likely to catch you precisely where he's aiming to hit you, right on the button. He's an expert martial artist who, if he ever went up against someone of equal power, would prevail thanks to his far superior skill. Marvel Cinematic Universe heroes be warned - even if you somehow manage to remove some of Thanos' powers, he's still likely to smack you down with combat prowess of a level you've never come close to experiencing.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.