Thanos: 12 Awesome Abilities To Look Out For In The MCU

6. Time Travel / Teleportation / Dimensional Travel

Marvel ComicsMarvel ComicsAs previously touched upon in the previous point when describing the powers of Thanos' transportation chair, Thanos can move around the multiverse almost as he wishes. Indeed, he doesn't even need the chair to get to most places - he can open portals, teleport from one place to another, teleport between dimensions and indeed through time (though the latter would require preparation on his part). Essentially, what we touched upon about Thanos' lack of actual travel speed earlier in this article is fairly irrelevant to his ability to travel long distances in quick time - he can do so in ways that eliminate actually having to physically move the distance between two places with consummate ease.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.