10 Best Lovecraftian Enemies In Video Games

7. SCP-106 "The Old Man" - SCP Containment Breach

SCP the old man

The SCP Foundation is one of the most interesting ideas to ever sprout from the internet and it is just fascinating. People collaborating online to create an archive detailing some of the most bizarre, interesting and downright unsettling creatures and objects anyone could imagine.

Considering there are over two-thousand insane creations, you’d expect at least a few to bear Lovecraftian elements. And of course, a few trickled down into one of the creepiest horror games to make the rounds on every You-Tube lets-players scream-fest. Perhaps one of the most interesting is SCP-106 “The Old Man”

Taking the appearance of an old man in a state of advanced decomposition, the SCP corrodes everything it comes into contact with. Rusts metal and rots flesh. Not only that, but it can walk through solid matter leaving behind the same corrosive matter. And while he sounds like you’re average video game monster, the part that takes it to a Lovecraftian level, is his pocket dimension.

With the ability to travel in between our world and a separate pocket dimension, the SCP appears to have a degree of possible cosmological scale. And while it’s true that not every Lovecraftian Villain is an ancient space deity, the SCP still bears that aspect in traditional Lovecraftian style.

Perhaps one of the more terrifying entries on this list, ‘The Old Man’ instils a level of fear in the player that some of these entries can’t rival. The bizarre nature behind him and the twisted visuals are enough to unsettle anyone. That, and the fact that he’s a dimension-hopping, metal rusting Old Aged Pensioner.

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I like video games, writing and writing about video games. Expect sarcasm and the dry wit of a Brit. And the occasional rant of a unhappy Scot. You know... the usual.