10 Best Lovecraftian Enemies In Video Games

8. The Town Itself - Silent Hill

Silent Hill 2

While this entry may be steadily controversial to a lot of people – thus its place so high up on the list – Silent Hill bears Lovecraftian influences. And while it’s true that a lot of the horror in the game is built upon the characters' personal conflicts and struggles, the town itself is quite inspired.

It may not be traditional Lovecraft, but it’s the kind of story that fits within the parameters of his works. A town that is home to alternate realities full of monsters, a power beyond anyone’s understanding lurking within the town, a certain supernatural element that borders cosmic, the town has the Lovecraftian vibes. There is an unnatural, unsettling incomprehensible aspect regarding the town that is inherently Lovecraftian.

It might not be cookie-cutter and the games certainly don’t play to the traditional sense, but when looking at the town as whole, it is Lovecraftian. While characters like Pyramid Head fit that personal conflict behind the characters, the town itself and the influencing force behind the games and their narratives has those Lovecraftian aspects. And it does it well.

But if you think that I’m wrong and that Lovecraft had as much to do with the inspiration behind Silent Hill as the Sound of Music did, feel free to call me your preferred combination of profanity. That’s what the comment section is there for.

Although, if you pertain to the truest of Silent Hill endings and agree that the dog is behind it all, then Lovecraftian inspiration becomes a faint memory. All we need is for the dog to be Cthulhu in disguise and we have ourselves a sequel!

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I like video games, writing and writing about video games. Expect sarcasm and the dry wit of a Brit. And the occasional rant of a unhappy Scot. You know... the usual.