10 Best Lovecraftian Enemies In Video Games

6. Giygas - Earthbound

earthbound giygas

Earthbound is charming little game that is deviously unsettling when you actually stop to think about it all. From terrorist cults, police brutality and various references to sexual crimes, the game is surprisingly dark beneath the chipper and happy-go-lucky exterior. But none of those darker themes, hit harder upon realisation than the nature of the end boss, Giygas.

Beyond being a sudden – and I mean very sudden – shift in art style from normal enemies, Giygas bears remarkably similar qualities to many of Lovecraft’s monsters. The incomprehension of Giygas’s true form plays right into the main theme of his works and his influence over many people in the world holds a lot of similarities. There is a general vibe around Giygas that puts him above normal enemies.

The scale and scope of Giygas promotes an unfathomable nature with no true understand about what or who it really is. Not the mention the various subtle hints towards Lovecraft in reference to Giygas. Namely, Pokey describing him as ‘an all mighty idiot’ which bears striking resemblance to Lovecraft’s nickname for Azathoth; ‘Blind Idiot God’

All in all, from aesthetics to the nature behind Giygas, he has that certain Lovecraftian quality about him. The unsettling realisation that you don’t quite understand everything about it. Just downright creepy

Also, being called the ‘Universal Cosmic Destroyer’ is pretty Lovecraftian - a mantle Giygas wears like a name badge.

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I like video games, writing and writing about video games. Expect sarcasm and the dry wit of a Brit. And the occasional rant of a unhappy Scot. You know... the usual.