10 Best Multiplayer Maps In Call Of Duty: Black Ops History

8. Rush

Nuketown Call Of Duty

A semi-forgotten piece of Black Ops 2 DLC, Rush came with the game’s Vengeance pack and was unique in that, rather than adopting an ultra-serious military setting, it was located in an abandoned paintball arena. Though it was a little silly to see some of the inflatable obstacles remain standing after being caught in the middle of an actual firefight, it was a fun twist on Treyarch’s typical design.

Black Ops 2’s lifecycle felt longer than that of most Call of Duty titles because Ghosts, the ensuing CoD release, wasn’t all that well-received. As a result, lots of players reverted back to Treyarch’s previous game, and maps like Rush got a ton of extra playtime.

It’s a fairly small map, which means that game modes which typically fair better in more open environments suffered here. What’s more, the standard six-versus-six team deathmatch scenario felt all the more hectic as a result of the map’s enclosed, almost claustrophobic feel. In that way, it was almost reminiscent of the fan-favorite Nuketown.

Rush isn’t all that likely to show up on many top ten Call of Duty maps lists today, but it’s an underrated experience which probably deserves a little more recognition.

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Sometimes I like to write in between sessions of Rocket League.