10 Best Multiplayer Maps In Call Of Duty: Black Ops History

7. Icebreaker

Nuketown Call Of Duty

When Black Ops 4 was announced in 2018, fans were initially wary of the then-upcoming release because Activision seemed to have sacrificed the traditional campaign mode in favor of a trend-chasing battle royale inclusion. That said, while there aren’t all that many overt narrative elements in Bo4, maps like Icebreaker help to fill that gap through intelligent environmental storytelling.

Set around a disabled U.S. nuclear submarine which the Russians have come to salvage, Icebreaker features a distinctive blend of wide-open snow-swept plains and downright claustrophobic passageways marked by severe corners. The tactical sniper may have to switch to an SMG or shotgun at a moment's notice, and it leads to a good amount of variation in terms of gameplay.

Somewhat reminiscent of Discovery, a Black Ops 1 map which featured an Antarctic setting and series-first destructible environments, Icebreakers asks players to stay on their toes and constantly scan the horizon for anything vaguely human-shaped. While it isn’t great for all gametypes, it’s a terrific Team Deathmatch escapade.

The spawns on this map can be just a little weird, but it’s an overall enjoyable experience when compared to other Bo4 launch maps.

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Sometimes I like to write in between sessions of Rocket League.