10 Best Multiplayer Maps In Call Of Duty: Black Ops History

9. Hunted

Nuketown Call Of Duty

Black Ops 3 is probably the most contentious entry in Treyarch’s Call of Duty anthology; the only game in this sub-series to include wall-running, double jumping, or other such mobility options, few maps really felt like they made adequate use of this new mechanic.

Hunted, however, arguably made the most of the installment’s innovations. The focal point of the arena is the perilous bridge which dares players to transition across deadly gaps in pursuit of enemies. What’s more, the underwater segments added unique thoroughfares which made navigating the map all the more interesting.

Set on a big game hunting lodge in far-future Ethiopia, it was a refreshing setting when compared to the obligatory, boring battlefields of previous games. While little more than a slight twist on the three-lane formula, there’s enough here to make for a memorable multiplayer experience.

Hunted is particularly well-suited for team deathmatch and is designed to reward cunning risk-takers. While there are definitely a couple of spots which allow for snipers to set up camp, it’s a robust enough layout to allow for all different kinds of action. It doesn’t wear out as quickly as other Black Ops 3 maps, either.

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Call of Duty
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Sometimes I like to write in between sessions of Rocket League.