10 Completely Pointless Video Game Details (That Will Blow Your Mind)

8. Individual Raindrops Get Washed Away In Driveclub

Assassin S Creed Origins
Sony Computer Entertainment

To this day, Driveclub is one of the most visually impressive games of the generation so far. Sony's ill-fated racer suffered through a particularly troubled development, but nobody can say the game didn't push the boundaries of what racing games could look like, boasting an unprecedented level of detail across the board.

Post-release, the devs tried to push themselves even more, releasing an update which improved the weather effects massively. Overhauling everything, now each individual droplet of rain was rendered as its own asset, having its own path to follow that could be impacted by wind and other environmental changes.

Consequently, if you look closely you can see each drop hit either the road or the car before splashing off. Likewise, when the window wipers are on, each droplet gets brushed to the side, leaving its own individual trail of water in the process.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3