10 Reasons It Totally Sucked To Be A Gamer In 2013

6. Sharing Is Not Caring

Social Media It's not just gaming that's been affected; social media has latched itself onto every aspect of our lives like some societal leech. It began in the last console generation with the fine-tuning of internet functionality. Though consoles have done this before €“ and PC gaming basically forever €“ the PS3 and 360 were the stepping stones to what we have now. And, if we look at the PS4 and Xbox One, one could be forgiven in thinking that gaming has taken the metaphorical backseat and let Social Media drive like a bloody lunatic. Smashing into letter boxes and every person in sight. One feature that deserves all of the hate is PS4's Share button.Why do we need that? Why is the share feature that important Sony just had to include it onto the controller itself? And, frankly, it's in a really stupid place. If you're in the heat of the moment and you accidentally press it, all that will happen is the people you've spent months grooming to follow you are going to get annoyed that you keep filling their timeline with rubbish. All these things could be seen as nice additions, but the once side features of gaming has become the main event. And, the actual game part of the damn game is being swept under the rug.

Thomas James Hunt is a British Video Game Critic who is a rather unpleasant character in the journalism world. So brace yourself for some nasty behaviour in the form of articles.