10 Terrifying Video Game Enemies That Gave You Nightmares

4. The Groom - Outlast: Whistleblower

Outlast was a scary game, make no bones about that. Wandering around an asylum which has gone to hell, full of genetically enhanced patients (or Variants, as the game refers to them) with only a camcorder to guide you through the darkness was a fraught, tense and downright disturbing way to spend your time. However, the Whistleblower DLC took the blueprint of the main game and ratcheted up the tension to 11, all the while introducing a handful of new Variants that made the main game's imposing Chris Walker look like a boy scout. The worst of these was The Groom, a demented patient who was convinced that he was to be married to the woman of his dreams and willing to go to any length to find her. Emphasis on "any length" and "her" there. You see, for all there was a female ward at Mount Massive Asylum, there were no women in the game, so for The Groom to find his perfect woman he had to, well, make one. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ufPCdO_m68 Cue a chase you can't escape from, resulting in you being captured, drugged and tied to a band saw completely naked. The Groom's attempts to "purify" you and "remove the vulgar tissue" (yes, he says these things) almost result in a grisly maiming but it's his relentless pursuit of you after you spurn his advances that is most unsettling. With him calling you a "slut, like the rest of them" he chases you and attempts to hang you in the gymnasium, along with all of the other "sluts" who refused to be "purified" by his hand.
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I am a man of many interests. I am a passionate gamer, running my own YouTube channel (The Gadget Addicts) showing off the best of modern gaming in the form of Let's Play videos. I am an ardent musician, having been a guitarist for the past 13 years. I am also a massive geek, I adore science fiction and fantasy films and TV shows and am trying to work up the courage to start writing a novel. If I can ever think of a good story to tell... I live with my wife in the North East of England and own a belligerent little black cat.