12 Best DC Superhero Video Games
And no, it's not all about Batman.

Not to provoke the ire of fanboys everywhere intentionally, but DC have never really managed to master the video game genre. Sure, there is the odd success now and then, but none are comparable with Batman's Arkham series, and even then, most still retain a Batman focus - a symptom of the character's unrelenting stranglehold on media, and Warner Bros.' inability to deviate from his monotonous success.
So, whilst the Arkham games are the undisputed champions of any comic-to-game adaptation, 'rivals' Marvel have managed to portray a greater breadth of characters over the years. This has left them with a wide-ranging selection of games to boast of, and consequently, like on the silver screen, means DC have a lot of catching up to do. This isn't to say that DC's best titles are devoid of quality, however. In fact, quite a lot of them are underrated classics - it's just that their ridiculous Bat-bias means that there's little variety to be had, even if other characters do get the odd gem now and then.
That's a big shame, because there are so many heroes deserving of another game of their own - they've just never been considered. So, it's not all doom and gloom. Buried underneath all the Bat-mania are some truly worthy titles - you just haven't considered them yet.