Far Cry: Every Game Ranked Worst To Best

9. Far Cry Instincts: Evolution

Far Cry Evolution

A rather rushed follow up to Far Cry Instincts, Evolution kept the same basic gameplay and setting of the previous release while introducing a considerably shorter campaign. It was all still solid - gunplay was intense and demanding and the feral abilities awarded players with imaginative ways to take out enemies - but it did nothing to push gameplay or story forward in any major way.

In fact, in a way, Evolution was essentially an expansion that was released as a full title in its own right. Fine in and of itself, but at the time there was the worry that Ubisoft could run the series into the ground by relying on small, iterative sequels and spin-offs starring Jack Carver, rather than focusing on giving Far Cry its own distinct identity away from Crytek.

Not helping matters was that there was actually another release, Far Cry Instincts: Predator, which combined the campaign of Instincts as well as Evolution for next-gen systems. However, despite having a next-gen sheen, the title actually lost some of the detail that made the original titles so lush in the first place.

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Far Cry 5
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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3