Zelda: Breath Of The Wild - 11 Secrets & Locations You Must Find

7. Link's House & Your Own Secret Village

Links House Breath Of The Wild Zelda

Even Link wants a custom humble abode, as if you head to the south-west of Hateno Village (past the Shrine), you'll find a team of builders working on what appears to be a rundown, soon-to-be-destroyed house.

You can purchase this place from their leader, Bolson, in exchange for 30 pieces of wood and 3000 rupees. From here, you'll get a list of customisation options, including a "Link's House" sign, nine wall-mounted weapon displays, a flower patch and of course, a bed.

zelda hateno house link

This isn't the end of your custom-building exploits though...

Village breath of the wild zelda

Talk to Bolson after you've purchased the house, and you'll unlock the 'From the Ground Up' mission, seeing you construct an entire village with the help of Hudson, another one of the workers. Finding the additional people necessary to construct Tarrey Town is something you can either look up or do yourself (it requires a number of race-specific characters with names ending in 'son'), but the rewards are, shall we say, rather legendary.

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