Zelda: Breath Of The Wild - 11 Secrets & Locations You Must Find

8. The Guardians' Manual Fire Switch

Zelda breath of the wild

Sick of getting blasted by Guardians? Me too, but know that there are a couple of cool things you can do to bring them down.

First, get used to knowing when they're going to fire (denoted by the 'flash' beforehand) and use the parry (hit A) at the right time to send their laser blast back their way. Second, you can sever their legs with relative ease, reducing their movement and meaning you can get around behind them, further avoiding attacks.

Lastly, hitting a Guardian from behind triggers a 'manual fire' switch. It's incredibly hard to utilise as the Guardian will blast wherever its head is aiming, but for both Hyrule Castle's forecourt and a certain ancient tomb (which I'll get to in a bit), using this tech against other Guardians is a godsend.

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