SGT. ROCK has outgrown WWII... Lawrence takes him to the future!!!
But I thought the killin' Nazi's business was a boomin?
Joel Silver is still banging the drum, trying to make aSgt. Rock movie work after over 20 years of trying. And I hate to piss on his cornflakes this morning but this attempt won't be successful either.
Classic DC comic writers knew the character had no where to go after the war ended, classically killing him off with the last bullet of the WW-II conflict. Silver has hired Francis Lawrence (I Am Legend, Constantine), a current WB "go to guy" when a blockbuster job needs filling, to direct. Previously Silver hoped Guy Ritchie would helm, but he's taken the director to make Lobo instead. Chad St. John who also wrote a highly original time-travel sci-fi movie which caught the attention of Robert Downey Jr back in February, will scribe. The excuse for the time setting change in THR is that period war movies are mammoth budget expensive to get the period right and usually, they don't take a great deal of dime. Now and again an Inglourious Basterds comes along but unless it's an Oscar baiting movie with huge stars, it's not going to make money.
Marvel, still the smartest comics to film company, fully realise that Captain America needs his WW-II origin movie for the character to work. Why can't DC? Now excuse me for being thick but where is the endgame in sending a World War II character, and that's basically all he has about him remember, the fact he is a patriotic war hero with a cigar, big muscles and a machine gun that treats Nazi's like fodder, into the future? The money thing I'm not buying because unless you strip everything away, post-apoclayptic movies are expensive, ESPECIALLY post-apocalytpic war movies. And who will Sgt. Rock be fighting... aliens, zombies, a new army... more specifically a resurrected Nazi party? Jesus, I have no idea what Joel Silver is smoking on this one. I say it's about time he gave up on this project because after 20 God damn years of having this in his hands, it's quite obvious that he is incapable of seeing it through to it's conclusion. How hard can Rock be, really? It just needs to be a semi-serious, Rambo esque war picture focusing on the Easy Company team of elite soldiers who kill Nazi's for a living, with someone like Bruce Willis or Jason Statham fronting. Heavy on action, heavy on fun... how hard? By putting Rock into the future (or the modern day as the article is kinda sketchy and could be Rock moving from his present to our current day and age), that's a completely different idea and setup you have there... and you might as well call it something else and you wouldn't have to even pay royalties on the property. Because seriously, taking Sgt. Rock out of World War II makes this the horse of a different colour. And Silver two years ago was talking about remaking The Dirty Dozen at Warner Bros. Fuck me... if he ever gets to that one (which he won't because he has a thousand pictures he says he is gonna make) then would he translate it into space?!?!?
The Hollywood Reporter say that Silver is planning to take the character into the future!!!, the kind of move that would usually only happen after two movies when you realise there is no where else to go with the franchise once World War II has ended.
Maybe after so many years of trying, Silver feels like he's seen a Sgt. Rock WWII movie already a thousand times by the amount of unproduced screenplays he has read and he's bored himself of this saga. Aren't we all?