10 Deeply Disturbing Disneyland Urban Legends

2. Deborah Gail Stone

Debbie Stone

Disneyland's history is one that is unfortunately blighted by the deaths of employees, and probably the most gruesome, which sounds suspiciously like no more than fuel for the urban legends community belonged to Debbie Stone, a hostess who was killed in 1974.

Just a week after the opening of the newly refurbished America Sings attraction, Stone was working as usual, greeting guests as they came in, before the ride rotated and took guests on to the first scene of the carousel. Unfortunately, on that fateful night, she stood too close to the moving outer ring of the theatre and was trapped and crushed against an unmoving part of the set.

Park staff were notified, rather chillingly, by a guest who had heard her screams from an adjacent theatre. Inevitably, the ride is now said to be haunted by Debbie, with employees having reportedly said that they've heard a disembodied voice warning them to "be careful!" as they worked.

Is There Any Truth In It? Debbie Stone did exist, and did indeed die in the particularly gruesome way, which would feed well into the claims that she's a ghost - considering thoughts that ghosts are created by sudden, extreme emotion.

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