12 Funniest Times Famous Artists Fell Off Stage

3. Axl Rose

Okay, you got us, this one isn't of an artist falling OFF a stage, but come on who can resist watching Axl Rose; The World's Most Obvious Douchebag, fall flat on his porky behind? Few things in life are this satisfying, and for any and all GnR fans who know the trials and tribulations of Axl stealing the band's name, requesting a separate jet to fly to gigs, and sleeping through other ones, this is one small step towards his full comeuppance.

2. Method Man

There are few people cooler than Method Man, and even fewer who would fall in such a spectacularly slapstick-style as this either. If there's anything that'll shatter the big shouldered picture of 'gangsta rap' into a million tiny pieces, it's an icon like this falling as though he's auditioning to be in whatever family-trash Ice Cube kicks out next.

1. Juan Gabriel

Ezgif Save Gif To finish, a fall so spectacular, so encompassing of everything that we love about these sorts of lists, and just so ridiculous, it had to be number one. Juan Gabriel (essentially Mexico's answer to Elvis) was getting his jive on, when that ever-present harbinger of doom by the name of Gravity claimed another victim. And it.is.brilliant.
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