10 Star Wars Moments ONE Tweak Away From Perfection

That epic Mustafar duel would have been absolutely PERFECT if...

Darth Sidious

The creator of this galaxy far, far away was never afraid to revisit and ever so slightly tweak the various Star Wars projects he was involved with over the years. And while it's fair to say that not every change made in the various re-releases of the likes of the original and prequel trilogies went down a treat, there were some adjustments that definitely helped take already rather strong scenes and moments up a level.

The decision to eventually remove Anakin Skywalker's eyebrows in Episode VI: Return of the Jedi during the moment his son unmasks the one-time Darth Vader, for example, certainly helped better connect George Lucas' two trilogies after Hayden Christensen's Chosen One got horrifically burned to a crisp on Mustafar.

Even after so many Lucas modifications, though, there are still a number of Star Wars scenes and events that would have definitely been hugely improved by often some of the smallest adjustments or changes. And that goes for a sequel trilogy the legendary George had absolutely nothing to do with, too.

Put simply, each and every one of the following duels, exchanges, and moments were (mostly) all unquestionably great, but they were one little alteration away from being utterly flawless.

10. Erase Leia's Memories Of Her Mother

Darth Sidious

As Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa share a moment together on Endor during Episode VI: Return of the Jedi, the former eventually reveals that the latter is and always has been his sister.

It's a lovely moment - if you forget about all those awkward smooches - and one that contains some of the original trilogy's most underrated dialogue, with Mark Hamill delivering the wonderful "the Force is strong in my family" speech.

However, there's no getting away from the fact Leia's comments about her mother earlier in the exchange have aged rather terribly in the wake of the prequel trilogy's arrival at the start of the millennium.

When asked if Organa remembered her own mom, Leia responds by explaining how she died when the Princess was very young. But that, and the fact Leia claims to remember how beautiful, kind, and sad her mother was, makes very little sense after watching Padme Amidala suddenly bite the dust in the moments after the twins' birth in Episode III: Revenge of the Sith.

Now sure, this could just be Leia talking about a Force vision of her deceased mother. But that's never really been confirmed on-screen, and the simplest way to improve this now quite perplexing scene would be to just erase Leia's apparent memories of Amidala altogether.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...