10 Doctor Who Monsters Who Made Us Hide Behind The Sofa

previous article, many Who monsters have embedded themselves in the public consciousness as they are just so affective. Nobody does scary monsters like Doctor Who; and the ten you are about to meet are some of the creepiest creations the show has produced. Before proceeding, you may want to position yourself behind the nearest sofa...

10. Peg Dolls

Appearing in 2011€™s Night Terrors, the Peg Dolls are the newest monsters on our list, proving that Doctor Who is always creating frightening foes. The Dolls are enlarged versions of Victorian toys that lollop around as they walk, chanting things like €˜don€™t run away, we want to play!€™ in sing-song, giggly, voices. Oh, and if they touch you they turn you into one of them. Although all this is certainly scary stuff, it's their crude, squashed faces that really make them the stuff of nightmares.
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