10 Terrible Episodes That Almost Ruined Great TV Shows

2. Futurama: Saturday Morning Fun Pit

The Simpsons Worst Episode Ever
Comedy Central

Futurama is a show that came back from a long absence but that, for the most part, was able to remain consistently funny in its later seasons. However, some of the newer episodes definitely suffered from either being too reliant on topical humour, like with jokes about iPhones and gay marriage, or being too reliant on gimmicks.

Saturday Morning Fun Pit is an example of the latter problem. The episode is a parody of old cartoons like G.I. Joe and Scooby Doo, breaking from the show's typical format. For one, with an episode coming so close to the end of the series, it was a bit disappointing to get yet another gimmick episode like this, much like Naturama just a few episodes before.

But the episode also just isn’t very funny, with most of the jokes being really obvious and cliche. The episode never really does much beyond reference tropes of these shows but without really adding anything interesting that hasn't been done before and better in other shows. We’re supposed to laugh just because we recogniSe that the characters look like Scooby Doo characters, but not because the show has anything particularly funny to add.

For one of the most brilliant animated comedies of all time that usually has a razor sharp wit, for the most part, that wit is sadly missing from this episode.

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The Simpsons
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