10 Terrible Episodes That Almost Ruined Great TV Shows

3. The Simpsons: The Principal And The Pauper

The Simpsons Worst Episode Ever

There are plenty of terrible episodes in the modern Simpsons, but if we consider the first 10 or 11 seasons to be its own show, The Principal and the Pauper is easily, as Comic Book Guy would say, the worst... episode... ever.

The episode was hated at the time, and it’s still pretty bad today. We find out that Principal Skinner is actually an imposter, and his real name is Armin Tamzarian. The real Skinner shows up and replaces the impostor, but when everyone realises they miss Armin, he’s brought back.

It’s a really weird, dramatic character change for Skinner, a previously very well developed character, which feels totally out of nowhere and doesn't fit at all. Skinner is a lovable, nerdy guy for nine seasons, and now he’s actually a liar who stole another man’s identity? The plot of the episode is absurd, but we can excuse that. But what we can’t excuse is totally ruining a great character with a plot that doesn’t add anything to the series at all.

This episode is considered by many to be the point where the show started going downhill and becoming too ridiculous, and in fact on the DVD commentary, creator Matt Groening said it’s one of his least favourites and that he doesn’t consider it to be canon. Thank God.

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Lover of horror movies, liker of other things. Your favorite Friday the 13th says a lot about you as a person, and mine is Part IV: The Final Chapter.