10 Worst Things Krusty The Clown Has Ever Done

10. He Almost Got Homer Killed By The Mob...For $48

The Simpsons Krusty Homer

Episode: "Homie the Clown" (Season 6, Episode 15)

Krusty's astronomical gambling debts get him on the wrong side of Fat Tony and his gangster comrades, so in order to recoup some fast cash, he opens a clown college.

Homer soon enrols and ends up impersonating Krusty at gigs he considers beneath him, but the mob ends up mistaking Homer for the real Krusty, kidnapping him and threatening him for the money owed.

Don Vittorio DiMaggio holds "Krusty" at gunpoint and insists he perform a physics-defying loop-de-loop on a tiny bike or be killed.

Homer fails, at which point the real Krusty arrives ("I'm seeing double here, four Krustys!") and the Don forces them to perform the trick together.

This time they succeed and their lives are scarcely saved, but Krusty is still told to pay up, at which point it's revealed that Krusty owed them...$48. Krusty even gives them $50 and gets $2 change back.

It might be the greatest anti-climax in Simpsons history, honestly, and demonstrates the absurdly convoluted lengths Krusty will go to avoid a) doing anything the easy way and b) paying anyone a dime he doesn't have to. And he almost got Homer killed in the process.

Then again, the mob being willing to kill someone over a $48 debt isn't exactly the pinnacle of class, either.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.