American Horror Story: 12 Most Dramatic Deaths

6. Ma Petite

Season: Freak Show What made Ma Petite's death so dramatic was her innocence. She was the only Freak who did not harvest any dark thoughts or feelings towards others, and instead focused on providing some positivity to the group. Not only was her death deceitful and shocking, it was also the second attempt to kill her, all for money. When Maggie couldn't go through with the plan initially because she realised at the last moment that she has a conscience, we all thought that Ma Petite was safe. But then in comes strongman Dell, the polar opposite to the Smallest Woman In The World that her death just seemed so unfair. With anyone else, she wouldn't have stood a chance, but to get smothered by Dell who is huge in comparison to a normal sized human, (as well as being a fellow Freak) was just heartless.

Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever.