Doctor Who: 10 Biggest Plot Holes Of The Revived Series So Far

6. Asylum Of The Daleks Plot Holes


Asylum Of The Daleks should have known better. Don€™'t ever make an episode that celebrates Dalek history with a narrative that hinges on plot holes. No one is blind enough that they cannot see even one of the plot holes mentioned below.

Plot Hole #1: Discontinuity. Planet Skaro is still alive... but how? In a classic Doctor Who story, Remembrance Of The Daleks (also regarded as one of the best Dalek stories of all time - just sayin'), the Doctor tricked the Daleks into blowing their home planet up, did he not? A Dalek in the Davies era even commented that it had no planet to go home to.

Plot Hole #2: Discontinuity. The Dalek prime minister said that the reason they keep the mentally unstable Daleks in an asylum (rather than destroying them which surely makes more sense?) is because it's against their mantra to destroy hatred. So that means they find hatred beautiful... but didn€™'t Dalek Sec once state that Daleks have no concept of elegance? Besides, almost all of the famous Dalek stories consist of all out Dalek civil wars, from Evil Of The Daleks to the mentioned, Remembrance Of The Daleks. The last Dalek story before this even shows a scene of Daleks killing Daleks ruthlessly; which was also a Steven Moffat story like this one.

Plot Hole #3: If the Asylum planet was covered by an impenetrable force field, how did a manmade expedition spaceship breach through it?

Plot Hole #4: If Oswin Oswald was a Dalek all along, how come the Doctor and Rory didn't hear a Dalek voice when Oswin was flirting with them through audio communications? (How epic would a Dalek flirting voice have been, by the way?!).


Once upon a time, Jon ended up in a huge dark room with a giant screen... and he never left.