Doctor Who: 11 Most Endearing Eleven Moments

doc reacts to violent ladies Everyone has €œtheir€ Doctor. There€™s an actor who just defined the Doctor for each of us, who became the man we would love. Particular actors don€™t become €œour€ Doctor because they are clever, or funny, or give off an aura of power. They become €œour€ Doctor when we decide we want to run away with them. Because let€™s face it: buried in the heart of every Doctor Who fan is the secret hope that, someday, we€™ll hear an odd and magical sound float in through our window€ But anyway, back to reality and the fact that Matt Smith will soon be breaking many hearts by leaving the role of the Doctor. There are many reasons this is a good or a bad thing, but what it definitely is is happening, just as it has ten times before. The moments that made Matt Smith a wonderful Doctor, the kind of Doctor we€™d want to run away with, were not his speeches to hordes of Daleks or his mad flirtations with River Song. They were the sweet moments, the moments that warmed our hearts and made us let this madman with a box come inside. Here are eleven of the Eleventh Doctor€™s most endearing moments in chronological order:

11. €œI am definitely a madman with a box.€

1 This entire scene is immensely sweet (with undertones of something darker), but it€™s this moment at the end that really sells it. The Doctor has so many names and faces, so many personalities, and so many moments of darkness. But in the face of it all, the most important thing he thinks his new companion can know is that €œI am definitely a madman with a box.€ It established the baseline of the Eleventh Doctor in a way nothing else did. The Eleventh Doctor may be the straight-up craziest and most manic of all the Doctors, but you can€™t say he didn€™t warn us. And there€™s something charming, magical even, about one of the most powerful creatures in the universe calling himself a madman with a box.

Rebecca Kulik lives in Iowa, reads an obsence amount, watches way too much television, and occasionally studies for her BA in History. Come by her personal pop culture blog at and her reading blog at