Doctor Who: 11 Most Endearing Eleven Moments

10. €œBreakfast. It€™s normal.€

2 €œThe Lodger€ is perhaps the purest exercise in the peculiarly English brand of fantasy Doctor Who ever produced. English fantasy tends to be about the juxtaposition of the mundane with the extraordinary€”which means a lot of humor shows up as well. And depositing the most mad and erratic Doctor into an ordinary bachelor life, with its ordinary problems, was sure to be a hoot. Out of many funny and cute moments of this episode€”€œhold while I eat a biscuit,€ €œfootball€™s the one with the sticks,€ and the Eleventh€™s first run-in with wine€”the sweetest is the Doctor turning up at Craig€™s door with breakfast in bed. It€™s an act that combines pure kindness with frank cluelessness, and perfectly encapsulates the way the Eleventh Doctor deals with normal people.

Rebecca Kulik lives in Iowa, reads an obsence amount, watches way too much television, and occasionally studies for her BA in History. Come by her personal pop culture blog at and her reading blog at