Game Of Thrones Season 8: WILL The Dead Starks Rise From Winterfell Crypt?

5. The Problem: Who Is Even In The Crypt Now?

Game of Thrones Winterfell Crypts

For there to be revived dead characters to revive in the first place, there have to be bodies. We know that generations of Starks are buried in the Crypts, which have stood for thousands of years and that Lord Rickard, Brandon Stark and Lyanna Stark were all laid to rest there by Ned. So that's a fair size crop of dead people, but it's realistic to suggest that most of the tombs will hold no more than dust and bone fragments now. You can't really reanimate them.

The real question is who might be buried there who we are familiar with from the show. Young Rickon is definitely down there, because Jon buried him after the Battle Of The Bastards. Catelyn did have Ned's remains sent back home (presumably minus his head), so most of him might be there too.

Then there's the question of Catelyn herself. In the books, her body is stripped and thrown into the river as a final perversion, but it's never confirmed in the show, rather conspicuously (partly to ensure people didn't get Lady Stoneheart vibes, presumably). She very well COULD be back home, because Arya took the Twins herself and could have made arrangements. All I'm saying here is there is enough space in the narrative to allow for it.

The same goes for Robb Stark's beheaded body (complete with his "new" head). We don't find out what happened to it in the book or in the show as it seems irrelevant, but if it was proudly displayed by the Freys, Arya would definitely have sent it home. Again, there's a possibility, so the show could get past any plotholes if Robb were to rise again.

They could even suggest that the dead direwolves are there too, since they were classed as family? That would be SOME sight.

And, if you look hard enough, there's actually some imagery to suggest that we're going to see Ned and Robb Stark rising from the dead to protect Winterfell (regardless of how much


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