Star Wars Rebels Season 4: 13 Questions That Must Be Answered

7. What Is The True Reason The Empire Came To Lothal?

Star Wars Rebels Ahsoka Lives
Disney XD

This could be me grasping at straws but it's still a question that I feel hasn’t been answered.

Back in Season Two’s premiere episodes, Minister Tua teases the real reason that the Empire came to Lothal, “known only to a few and ordered by the Emperor himself.” It's information that she is willing to provide if the Rebels can safely get her off Lothal. Sadly that doesn't happen and the information is taken with her life.

But that begs the question, what is the reason the Empire came to Lothal?

It has since been revealed that the Empire has set up a secret TIE Defender factory on Lothal, but can that truly be the information that Minister Tua was hinting at? Would that be something that the Emperor ordered himself? The TIE Defender program feels more like Thrawn’s personal pet project than the Emperors, but like I said, I could just be clutching at straws.

If the Emperor had a personal interest in Lothal, one would assume that it has something to do with the Force. This could be brought to light as Kanan and Ezra come into contact with the giant Loth-wolf, or it could just be something that was a good idea at the time, but never really brought back to light.

I guess we’ll have to wait, but it's a question that continues to bug me and I hope there is answer before the curtain call.


Aspiring writer who talks a lot, and writes most of it down