Star Wars Rebels Season 4: 13 Questions That Must Be Answered

6. Will Kallus Survive?

Star Wars Rebels Ahsoka Lives

Kicking off the big, who lives and who dies string of entries, we’re going to start with Imperial defector and Rebel spy, Agent Kallus (although it strikes me that we should stop calling him Agent now).

While he’s only had a couple of episodes that really get into the backstory of the character, Kallus has had one of the strongest arcs of the season, having now made his full transition from Imperial to Rebel.

There’s bound to be a lot of bad blood between himself and other members of the Imperial Navy, members who he once called friends. Admiral Yularen would be an interesting dynamic given their relationship established in Through Imperial Eyes, how about a face off with Governor Pryce? That could be quite something.

Now that Kallus is firmly in the Rebel camp and donning a new look, it's going to be great seeing that role reversal with him actively fighting the Empire rather than from within. He is a character who could well survive Rebels and easily fit into other stories told around the original trilogy. His experience as an ISB agent and Imperial protocols makes him a true asset to the Rebellion and there are many routes where his character could go.

However, we shouldn’t assume that anyone is safe.


Aspiring writer who talks a lot, and writes most of it down