Star Wars Rebels Season 4: 13 Questions That Must Be Answered

8. Will The Liberation Of Lothal Succeed?

Star Wars Rebels Ahsoka Lives
Disney XD

Lothal has been the centre point of the series since it began. It served as the primary location for season one and since then has always been the place that the Ghost has been drawn back to. The preparation for the attack on the TIE Defender factory on Lothal was the main objective of Phoenix Squadron across Season Three, but was put on hold by Thrawn’s assault on Chopper Base.

Lothal is still very much on the agenda, but the question remains, will it succeed?

While the liberation of Mandalore (set for the season premiere) seems more of a certainty, Lothal has to be called into question.

The opening credits to A New Hope plainly state that the events prior to the original trilogy, now told through Rogue One, was the Rebels’ first major victory against the Empire. So if Scarif was the first real victory for the Rebel Alliance, then how can the attack on Lothal be a success?

It could of course be argued that the destruction of a single factory cannot compare to a full scale attack on an Imperial facility, but then that could also be seen as a weak justification to get around this issue.

Regardless of the outcome, it is what happens to our Rebels that will define the attack on Lothal. This is the final season and they will want to go out with a bang. That may not mean a victory, but it could mean something far more rewarding.


Aspiring writer who talks a lot, and writes most of it down