10 Greatest Spinebusters In Wrestling History

7. The Rock

But as previously stated, Booker T€™s spinebuster remained somewhat sloppy€”something that definitely cannot said for the version used by the Rock. Living up to his moniker as the most electrifying man in sports entertainment, Rocky€™s spinebuster was a particularly smooth and agile variant with a falling motion for good measure. Like Booker, the Rock would tuck his opponent€™s leg in to speed up their fall to the mat, but what differentiated the Great One€™s signature technique was that he would fall forward with his foe every time without fail. It all made for a thoroughly fluid and impressive execution€”the kind of qualities that the Rock became famed for. Furthermore, as it was used as a precursor to the People€™s Elbow, the move would often be greeted by a sizeable pop from the WWE audience. This excitement only added to the spectacle of the Rock€™s spinebuster, making it a frequent highlight of the Brahma Bull€™s matches. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a0ggH8g2qKs
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